Saturday, February 28, 2009

How do i get better once i've had the best?

a line from Katy Perry's recent song... that stunned me, i guess!

can you imagine that the perfect ideal and destined man for you is gone?
can you decipher the intricacy of love?
how would you let the wounds heal in your heart without him?
would you find another one?
better than the best?

is there anything like a 'second best'?

i was wondering last night...
i still got the melody on my ears...
on my subconscious, i was trying to argue with myself,
how can we really get the better one if you have already found the best..
during break-ups, friends often say this line, "ok lng yan!..may mas gwapo ka pang makikita!..mas tarong kaysa sa iyaha!".

but what if he is already the perfect man for you but you've just let him slipped away!..
i don't exactly know the answers for these questions..
my thoughts were dangling and tangling up to this moment..

even if there are too many boys out there waiting for you to say 'YES',
as long as you've had the best person in mind and in your heart..
i think 'true love' is not made for you..
quite rude but hypothetically that could be true..

hmmm..enough with the drama..
i don't really have all the experiences to bother about it!..jaja
i just liked the song and i want to share it to you..=]

(video from youtube)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Starting the End

Have you ever felt the need to do more for yourself?

…for the world?

…for a friend?

…for your family?

I know I don’t have the right to ask God for something, but now, i want to ask Him, why did He create have limits…to be useless some point in our lives… Many times, I want to do more of what I can do, He said, that I can do all things through Christ who strenthens me…but sometimes we just can’t.

They said that there can be miracles when you believe. Are there? Sometimes, God has His own ways of showing His miracles, does it happen to everyone? Or just to those who accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior? I often talk to my self as being so blessed, i’m blessed with such nice friends both Christians and not, blessed with a Christian family, and a lot more.

I didn’t ask for any of it…it was just given to me. But what if I have an illness that only a miracle can bring healing?

What if I ask Him now, to send me miracles, to heal me… What if I ask Him that I don’t want to die now? His ways is higher than my ways, His thoughts are greater than our thoughts. He also promised me that if I ask anything in His name, He will answer it.

"Everything happens for a reason", "Things are not always what it seems", "That’s life…"

…a friend of mine told me these lines, is he right? Is this my fate?

I’ve seen this film by Queen Latifah, titled, "Last Holiday", she only had a couple of months left to live, she was diagnosed of a very rare brain disease. What she did was, she withdrew all her money in the bank and gone to places she always wanted to be, ate all the food she always wanted to eat by her favorite chef…to make the long story short, she did all the crazy stuff.

hmmm…i wonder what are the things that I wanna do…

Anyway, I guess our roads end somewhere. Our roads may cross but we always end up somewhere where we couldn’t pull over, where there would be no U Turns nor detours…just  the..END OF THE ROAD.